Saturday, 11 July 2009

Letter to the German Consulate - Sydney

This is a letter that was sent from Ahlul-Qalam to the Deputy German Consular General in response to the brutal murder of Marwa el-Sherbini.

Michael Bartholmei
Deputy Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany
13 Trelawney Street,
Woollahra, NSW 2025
Phone: 02 9327 9623
Fax: 02 9327 9649,

Dear Mr. Bartholmei

I am deeply saddened. She was pregnant for God's sake. But of course in s God-less secular society such statements of pity are likely to fall on ears as deafened as the hardened hearts people possess. Whether that be in Germany's communist past or their capitalist present! Is it a wonder then that the depths of lowness that barbarity has sunken to in secular western societies is reminiscent of the much reviled pits of hell for a Muslim.

When an event like this happens it is your system that is to be questioned. In typical capitalist fashion your finger-pointing, blame gaming attitude will only reveal your own mockery of your unorderly house. That is simply because the questions stand and they must be asked;

- how was it possible for an armed man to enter into your court room?
- how was it possible for a killer to walk across the room to the victim and stab her without any challenge from your security officers?
- how was it possible for a killer to continue stabbing a woman 18 times, without being challenged?
- why was it the husband to be the first to run to his wife's defence when armed security officers were present?
- how was it possible for the killer to then stab the man 3 times?
- how could it be that the security forces would mistake the husband as the killer after such a dramatic scene and shoot him?

This case is a landmark one not only in the sense that Germany paid not attention to what was occurring in its court room, for if people were attentive they would have not only stopped the repeated stabbing activity but prevented it by detecting the weapon on the killer in the first place. Or what was it perhaps acquiescence on Germany's part to rid the world of yet another Muslim?

This case is a landmark one to alert us Muslims that we are not safe in our lands nor in yours. For if this could happen in Germany, following Sarkozy's attack on us in France, then by all means it could happen to us in your Britain or America or here in Australia.

The proof of my rhetorical accusations will now be seen in Germany's pursuance of punishing the criminal, when the entire system is a dismal failure. Where would be the fairness in that when the system itself was left open to him to commit the crime? Even if some comfort were to be offered to your own selves, it begs yet the further question of whether you will apply capital punishment to the ultimate criminal? And then again of course no amount of punishment nor inquiry into your systems nor a commission to overhaul your security would return a child's lost mother to him!

How could you and the rest of Germany have a decent night's sleep knowing that? Perhaps your God-less-ness would afford you that comfort too.

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