Saturday, 2 May 2009

The Reality of Interfaith Dialogue

Interfaith dialogue is increasingly being promoted by Western governments as a means to prop up a diluted version of Islam ('Moderate' Islam) which is in line with their political and economic interests. It seek to advance the idea that all religions, including Islam, are effectively the same, and that everyone should accept the superiority of secular liberalism as the ideology most worthy of being implemented in society.

Islam is the only deen acceptable to Allah; all other faiths and ideologies are kufr. We have been commanded to call others, with wisdom and good discourse, away from their incorrect beliefs and practices to Islam. As opposed to this, interfaith dialogues is means to merely discuss 'common value' - more often that not downplaying difference - and implicitly endorse the kufr beliefs of others by conveying the idea that their faith is acceptable for them. This public lecture will detail the history and purpose behind the interfaith initiative as well as the correct conception and manner of da'wah in Islam.

Please find here all media of the recent event held by Hizb ut Tahrir Australia in Sydney, the first addressing this very pertinent issue. Interfaith dialogue is without doubt a counterweight against traditional methods of Islamic propagation and da'wah. The millions that are being pumped into it cumulatively by western governments are just the start of the evidence of the reality of this flawed method of conveyance. Add to that the history, and the results thus far, and one begins to see why as a concept it must be fought against and fought hard.

To view videos, please visit the Event Gallery

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