The following is a brief transcript of an audio interview with a Greek convert in
Q - How did you convert to Islam?
That interaction started with me on a journey to learn about the religion I was born with (Christianity- Greek Orthodox) and the deen that I would soon embrace wholeheartedly.
After enquiring with my parents and local priest about the fundamental questions that all human beings will ask in their lifetime, how did I get here? Where will I go after I die etc. It seems that these questions were too problematic for them to answer. So it was often said to me “These are not questions you should ask”! If we are not to ask these questions about the very existence of us being here, how would they react if I ask them to prove that Jesus was the son of god?!
It was then I went to some friends who I knew were Muslims. I went through the same drill of questions,
A - The Hizb has made nurtured me to be a robust dawah carrier/politician, understanding how the past and current events affect the Ummah
The hizb has crystallized my understanding of Islam to be more than just adhering to the individual spiritual matters, like fasting, prayer, and hajj
Islam is not about individuals rather it is a communal religion that ‘Enjoins the good and forbids the evil’.
Therefore the dawah has defined my path how to travel through this temporary life and meet my creator with a clear conscience in the akhirah
It is only by re-establishing the Khilafah that we can truly protect ourselves from the evils of this world.
As we know for decades there has been a constant war on Islam, and the western leaders/thinkers have come out openly and proclaimed the following:
From the
Blair has also aligned Islam to an’ evil ideology’.
These are just snippets of the hatred from the western mouths.
our sisters are being tested for wearing the hijab, our parents are being tested because of being concerned that our children will be labeled as extremists and terrorist, our youth are concerned about living their Islam and finding a job.
I can see that the return of the Khilafah is very much needed.
Pat Buchannan’s statement is worth highlighting when he says:
“If Islamic rule is an idea taking hold among the Islamic masses, how does even the best army on earth stop it?” Pat Buchannan
This Khilafah is not a pie in the sky; the CIA has plotted the return of the Khilafah by 2020.
I make this sincere du’a that Allah (swt) grants us the victory of the Khilafah.
What an inspiration!
Allah Akbar
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